Wheelchair Users :How to Improve the life quality using wheel chairs for those who are suffering from walking difficulties

A wheelchair is an auxiliary device which is commonly used to increase mobility and improve the life quality for those who are suffering from walking difficulties. It is particularly used by the people who have injuries of the spinal cord. Wheelchair movement allows wheelchair users to perform social activities, work, study and access health services.

A comfortable wheelchair not only provides mobility but also it is beneficial for physical health. It helps improve the quality of life by alleviating common issues like stress, the development of disabilities, and improved breathing and digestion.

For effective mobility, it is important for wheelchair users to choose wheelchairs that fit their needs and fulfill specific requirements. However, researches reveal that approximately 10% of the world’s population (650 million individuals) are suffering from disabilities. Therefore, approximately 1% of total disable people need a wheelchair throughout the world.

Moreover, predicted that in the year 2003, 20 million people who need a wheelchair for mobility did not have a wheelchair. It shows that only a few people who need wheelchairs have access to a wheelchair and a few who have access to an adequate wheelchair.

How to choose an Appropriate Wheelchair:

Wheelchairs are suitable if they suit the needs of the users and conditions of the environment; fit perfectly and postural correct support according to solid biomechanical principles; durable and safe; easily available and affordable, managed and supported in the country at the lowest and most convenient price. Suitable wheelchairs can help open up a whole new world for users, engaging in all social activities, sports and recreational activities, all towards independence, better health and a better way of living.

Benefits of an Appropriate Wheelchair


Wheelchairs allow the users to live an active lifestyle which is crucial for physical and mental health. People engaging in physical activities usually have low risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. The suitable wheelchair allows the user to more freely, to access their daily physical activities while forcing them to perform their daily activities by increasing their level of physical activity and daily mobility. It also allows the users to do what they want, allowing people to move easily at home, providing comfort and active way of living.


The difficulty in walking, usually need a person holding his/her arm while walking side by side. The fear of getting unbalanced and falling can cause people away from family and friends. A working and comfortable wheelchair can increase the activity level. Mobility independence and improve physical activity can minimize the dependency on other persons. Therefore, wheelchair users become more independent and have more control over their lives. Users who can spend more time on a wheelchair usually have more chances to participate in their daily lives together with other family members, thereby improving the living quality.


Wheelchairs can improve the health of users in several ways. A working, comfortable and easy to use wheelchair can increase the activity level, hence improving mental and physical health. A suitable wheelchair with compatible cushions and user training can minimize common issues, such as stress, disability progression, and other issues related to poor posture.

Some other benefits include better breathing and digestion, control of the head, trunk and upper ankles, and general stability, can provide adequate posture support. Health maintenance is important aspect to measure life quality. These factors enhance access to employment, education, and family and social participation.

Self Esteem & Self Confidence

Self Esteem is the general assessment about the concept of self or sense of self-esteem and satisfaction with high confidence that is related to many positive health results for those who have disabilities, including less depression and increase the satisfaction and well-being of life. Wheelchairs have proven to have a significant impact on way of living and involvement. People who have a wheelchair have more self-esteem and confidence. It is often regarded as an additional body of users. It fits them perfectly so the weight and size of the wheelchair affects the ability of people to participate in homes and community. Researches reveal that wheelchair users with higher confidence have increased their level of participation regardless of gender, age, and type of disability.

Quality of Life

By maintaining health, access to education, work and participation opportunities in family and society increases. These factors take part in improving the life quality for the users of wheelchair.

Access to Community Life

Social life participation including active family and social life with typical responsibilities in the community, plays an important role in the overall health and well-being of wheelchair users. It has proven a major factor in preventing health damage in people with spinal cord injuries. Community access ability, moving outside is important to take part in social activities as well as for many positive health indicators. Having a suitable wheelchair can increase community access and allow wheelchair users to participate in community lifestyle. It allows users to work, get education, meet friends and visit holy places. In addition, well fit wheelchair affects user autonomy as it facilitates mobility and daily activities.  

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